Getting to Know the Neck

November 23, 2024

Cranio Cervical Clinic, Barcelona

carr. de Muntaner, 537, Sarria-Sant Gervasi, 08022, Barcelona, Spain


Getting to Know the Neck

Dive into the DCCJP curriculum and uncover the rich history, structure, and purpose of the ICA Upper Cervical (UC) Council. Enhance your understanding of Craniocervical Junction (CCJ) anatomy and biomechanics, and explore essential patient intake considerations. Delve into imaging techniques for the CCJ, including X-ray, CBCT, and MR, with a comprehensive review of ionizing radiation exposure considerations. Gain valuable insights into chiropractic listing analysis, integrating various established upper cervical systems. Engage in case reviews and group discussions to evaluate complex, challenging, and intriguing cases. Additionally, explore the crucial concepts of ascending and descending pathways for interdisciplinary care. 

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Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP


Jeffrey N. Scholten, DC, FCCJP, PgCPain
– Adjunct Professor Life Chiropractic College West, Private Practice – Calgary, Canada

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP
– Associate Professor, Technique Department Chair, IRB Chair at Sherman College of Chiropractic

Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

In private practice in Calgary, Alberta, Canada since 2001, Dr. Scholten is the clinic director and owner of the Vital Posture Clinic. Dr. Scholten is a Board-Certified Diplomate in Chiropractic Craniocervical Junction Procedures and is currently the only Canadian to hold the distinction of being a Fellow in Chiropractic Craniocervical Junction Procedures. He teaches Diagnosis and Management of Spinal Disorders at Life Chiropractic College West. Dr. Scholten is past-President of the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA), and the past-President and past-Board Chair of the International Chiropractic Association’s Council on Upper Cervical Care where he currently serves as Chair of Credentialing Committee. He also serves on the board of directors of the International Chiropractors Association, the Upper Cervical Research Foundation (UCRF), and the Ralph R. Gregory Memorial Foundation (Canada).

In 2006, Dr. Scholten co-founded one of the chiropractic profession’s first Practice Based Research Networks (PBRN). Dr. Scholten was awarded a public research grant in 2012 to study the information acquired in the PBRN by the Canadian CAM Research Fund. In 2012, he was awarded a Certificate of Merit in Clinical Research from NUCCA. He was selected as the inaugural Upper Cervical Chiropractor of the Year in 2015 by the ICA-CUCC. In 2022, the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) presented Dr. Scholten with the inaugural Boghosian Visionary Award in recognition of his contributions to Ethics and Patient-Centered Care within the profession. In 2023, Dr. Scholten was inducted as a Fellow of the International Chiropractors Association (FICA); this is an honorary designation granted to individuals from the membership who have distinguished themselves through service and dedication to chiropractic and to the International Chiropractors Association. Also in 2023, Dr. Scholten received the Robert Brooks Impact Award from the International Chiropractors Association’s Council on Upper Cervical Care (ICA-CUCC); this award is given in recognition of contributions made on the progress and development of upper cervical chiropractic.

Current and recent research includes CBCT technology in chiropractic clinical applications, TMD and dental integration, cervicogenic dizziness practice based research, posture practice based research, and intracranial pressure and migraine headaches.

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP

Dr. Jaime Browning is an associate professor and Technique Department chair at Sherman College of Chiropractic. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Lander University (’02), her Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College of Chiropractic (’09), an advanced certification in Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific (KCUCS) technique (2012), is a 2019 Diplomate in Craniocervical Junction Procedures (DCCJP) confirmed by the International Chiropractic Association (ICA), and as of Fall 2022 obtained her Fellow in Craniocervical Junction Procedures (FCCJP). Since 2012, she has resided as the chair of Sherman College’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) and oversees human protections for the college’s research projects and is a member of the Converse University Institutional Review Board (2022). Browning is also the chair of Sherman College’s Academy of Chiropractic Excellence (ACE) intern program. Dr. Browning was named the research chair of the ICA’s Upper Cervical Council from 2018-2022 and was awarded the Researcher of the Year in 2020. Browning is also the recipient of the 2019 Spirit of Sherman College Award and the 2022 Sherman College Chiropractor of the Year award. She is a past President of the Sherman College Alumni Association and is a member of ICA’s Upper Cervical Council (UCC), the American Academy of Thermology (AAT), and the FCLB Providers of Approved Continuing Education (PACE) Review Team. Dr. Browning is also a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research. In 2023, Dr. Browning was named the President of the ICA’s Upper Cervical Council.

After practicing in Easley, SC, Dr. Browning found her passion for teaching students and new graduates. She teaches several courses focused on the craniocervical junction and its impact on overall health, including Upper Cervical Rationale, Pattern Analysis, Upper Cervical Technique, and Advanced Knee Chest. Her passions include biomechanics, skin temperature differential analysis, advanced imaging, and upper cervical theoretical concepts. She is a former member of the Lander University Volleyball team, former member of the United States Navy Reserve, and now spends her free time mentoring Sherman students. She and her husband, Kyle, have three highly energetic kids: Addison, Fisher, and General. Her family enjoys camping, trips to Disney, and Clemson football.



9:00 am – 10:00 am

1 CE Hours

ICA UCC Council History, Structure and Purpose

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

10:00 am – 11:00 am

1 CE Hours

Craniocervical Junction Anatomy - Bony and Soft Tissue Considerations

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

1 CE Hours

Brain Anatomy - CSF/Blood Flow Considerations

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

1 CE Hours

Craniocervical Junction Biomechanics - Listing Overview, Integration Segmental Techniques

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm


3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

1 CE Hours

Ascending and Descending Considerations for Interdisciplinary Care

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

1 CE Hours

Advanced Imaging of Craniocervical Junction - Technical and Patient Considerations

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 CE Hours

Case Reviews and Group Discussion to Evaluate Special and Interesting Cases

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

1 CE Hours

Exploration of Patient Intake Considerations

Jaime Browning, DC, DCCJP, FCCJP Jeffrey Scholten, DC, FCCJP, FICA

8:00 pm –

Evening Function

Dinner (please confirm attendance with Dr. Scholten in advance)


Registration Rates & Deadlines

Chiropractic Student ICA Member – $175.00 Chiropractic Students who are an ICA Member

Chiropractic Student UC Member – $100.00 Chiropractic Students who are also members of the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care

Chiropractic Student Non-UC/ICA Member – $200.00 Chiropractic Students who are not members of the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care or the ICA

DC ICA Member – $375.00 Chiropractors who are members of the ICA and not members of the Council

DC Non-UC/ICA Member – $450.00 Doctor of Chiropractic who is not currently a member of the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care

DC UC Council Member – $375.00 Graduated Doctor of Chiropractic who is also a member of the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care

DCCJP/FCCJP – $175.00 Diplomate in Chiropractic Craniocervical Junction Procedures designation holder

Allied Health Professional – $250.00

Faculty Member – $200.00

Continuing Education

C.E. Pending

State/Region Status Notes
EU Approved